About Us
Sea-Watch Technologies Intelligent Monitoring & Alert Systems US patent 6,904,341
We support the Widows House Ministry

Our Company
Sea-Watch Technologies is a systems integration company providing vessel monitoring and control for the marine industry.

Our Mission
To provide the essential products and services necessary to support real-time, web-based monitoring and alert systems for marine vessels.

Our Product
The Sea-Watch Integrated System (SIS) provides real-time tracking, monitoring, and alert notification to both private boat owners and fleet managers. SIS effectively combines three separate technologies (Internet, artificial intelligence, and GPS) to give owners and fleet managers the followingcapabilities:


  • Systems monitoring and diagnostics
  • Entertainment system
  • Navigation


  • Systems monitoring, diagnostics, and alerts
  • Vessel tracking and movement alerts
  • Security monitoring/alerts

SIS ties all the various boat systems and sensors together into one expandable, affordable system. Acting as a ?hub?, SIS enables seamless communications, boat monitoring, entertainment, and even a boat ?black box? in the event of a catastrophe. Combining both onboard and remote monitoring and control capabilities sets SIS apart from their competitors. And the ability to receive real-time intelligent alerts anywhere provides a level of security and peace-of-mind not available until now.

Sea-Watch Technologies is a privately held company with their main offices located in Melbourne, FL. The product development and engineering services firm specializes in the development of real-time applications for the marine industry.


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